Saturday, June 10, 2006

Introducing my own Academy of the Overrated

"-Levitt's overrated. In fact, he may be a candidate for the academy."
"-Mary and I have invented the Academy of the Overrated for such notables as"
"-Gustave Mahler"
"-Isak Dinesen and Carl Jung"
"-Scott Fitzgerald"
"-Lenny Bruce. Can't forget him, can we?"
It's scary when you watch movies like Last Days, Elephant, and My Own Private Idaho and listen to Gus Van Sant talking about his exploration of the human condition, because what are we supposed to make of a world that heaps all of its adoration onto this supposedly serious artist when we all know that the world is not nearly as vacant, senseless and devoid of motives as he "observes" it?
Comfortingly, most of the films for which he wrote the script were panned by critics.
To someone as boring, irritating, self-indulgent, and nihilistic as Gus Van Sant, my only response is "Up Yours!"


Rich_Of_Spirit said...

Great post. Something that had to be said!

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