Thursday, March 09, 2006


So this is it. The blogging fad has claimed its latest victim. Be happy though that Siqi, unlike more than 90% of humanity out there, doesn't complete suck at writing and has something semi-interesting to say from time to time. Like what I stepped on while walking on St. George today (I'm sure you wanna know). But I digress.

Unfortunately this will also mean the end of my MSN space, much loved (by MSN space standards) but perpectually malnourished as it is. Fret not: this is better for wasting your time. Notice that "Next Blog" button on the top right corner?

Why a blog? And why now? Lately there has been a lot of unhappiness and a lot of soul searching about what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. Engineering is a drain; and not to come across snobbish or anything, it puts people at the risk of a lifestyle that solely revolves around cheap Spadina eateries, classes, and the engineering cafe (aptly named "the pit"). Terrible thing really, but worse still is the de-sensitizing effect: you stop noticing what interesting movies are on and what's going on around the city; soon enough you stop noticing that you just forgot to take a shower last night.

I guess writing is therapuetic this way. There is just something soothing about putting all the transient good moments of a day on paper--a good meal, a midnight walk through the Annex, a good movie, or (the hilarity of) stepping on dog shit; and they in turn force you to look for them in the first place. So here I am.

Forgive the Caban aesthetics of this minimalism. I wish as I never before that I had actually learned something in Grade 11 computer graphics.

So stay tuned ladies and gents. Now I have to stuff myself with pork pot roast and study.

1 comment:

Ray said...

i'm going to be reading your blog!