Friday, March 17, 2006

Rule, Nerdlandia!

Those of you who know me well probably know that my design project is due for a public demonstration on Wednesday afternoon. For those of you who don't know me that well, the aforementioned design project is to build an automated grain-packaging machine, part of the core curriculum of my engineering education and a major source of misery in my life.

I'm posting this information because 1) the demonstration is open to members of the public and 2) you should come. If you are the type of guy/gal with tucked-in shirts and pocket-protectors who wetdreams about groupies with Jay Ingram and Natasha Stillwell, you are probably foaming at the corner of your mouth already; all the cool robotics will inspire hours upon hours of good dinnertable conversations afterwards. If you belong to the rest of humanity, however, a deep foray into the heart of Nerdland should also prove entertaining--the human dynamics in engineering (my division in particular) is most defintely different, and the whole human carnival will also, for better or for worse, provide hours upon hours of dinnertable entertainment. Do dress down though: khaki pants, white socks and trainers are the prerequisites; engineers hate Mr. Fancypants.

Natasha and Jay, light of my life, fire of the groin (barring the Eww factor)

So if you live in the fair city of Toronto, do come to the UofT campus on the coming Wednesday at 2 pm (location TBA). Interested parties should drop a line in the comments section. Now I must go back and battle with stepper motors and solenoids.

I can't believe I gave up St. Patrick's Day for this.


Anonymous said...

Remember how we frothed at the mouth when we saw Natasha at the ciname? :P

Anonymous said...

Shameless, shameless advertising. =D

Anonymous said...

Thankgod I have work to save myself from nerdmania..but than I would like to run away with some cookies though...

Anonymous said...

No you wouldn't. These are old, broken Oreos that have been touched by too many disheveled, unshowered* engineers struggling to make their project work.

(*Siqi still showers, don't worry.)

Anonymous said...

roger the guy who STILL chooses to remain anonymous, and would appreciate it if you quit asking...

Anonymous said...

Hey, Jackass, when you say, "It's me, Roger" you're implying I know who you are, and not some anonymous Roger.

May I suggest if you're not friends with Siqi, you get a life, and find some friends who'll welcome your blog comments?

And if you are friends with Siqi, can the anonymity.

Anonymous said...

first off, I have a involves quite a few things, some important, some not very...
however, the one thing it doesn't involve is the feeble attempt at childish name-calling..

second, why so protective about siqi?
i understand its his blog and all...
but that still doesn't explain, why (you out of all ppl), are so intrigued as to who i am? and how i am related to siqi?

Siqi said...

Wow, back off. Sit down, eat some cookies, drink some tea. Don't get too worked up there.

I'm fine with people remaining anonymous, and anyone is welcome to comment, even if you are from Mobile, Alabama. Now case closed.

Anonymous said...

Here's the thing, anonymous:
I find you irritating.

After asserting you wanted to remain anonymous, you say, hey, it's me roger.

Considering I wrote a comment involving a Roger, I find it a little creepy.

Feeble attempt at childish name-calling:
Sorry Mom. I just think you're an ass.

Why so protective about siqi?
I'm not, he's a big boy.

(you out of all ppl), are so intrigued as to who i am?
Your creepy, "It's me, roger," comment.

Anyways, now that you know I find you irritating and creepy, let's drop this since Siqi doesn't mind you here.